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  • Writer's pictureAnna Estrin

Anna Estrin, A Road to Success

Anna Estrin has immigrated from Russia about 10 years ago. She was born in the Far East, graduated from the university, and received a degree in journalism. After graduating, she worked as a correspondent for the TV channel People's Telegraph. Later, she moved to the capital of Russia, Moscow, worked for many years in PR, and developed businesses for many clients by helping to promote their brands. She had an interesting eventful life in the capital, owned the PR agency, led bright projects, and managed influential customers. While she has been building her successful career, she also experienced the great happiness of motherhood raising two beautiful daughters.

Since childhood, Anna dreamed of creating women's clothing. Having moved to America, she made this dream come true and founded the fashion house Annie Couture NYC from scratch, raised it to the level of New York Fashion Week, developed a global sales network, and transferred brand management to new ownership in Israel.

In addition, to the mainline, Annie Couture NYC creates a vintage collection every year. The clothing is made of natural fabrics, with a touch of elegance, style, and comfort. Annie Couture NYC was one of the first in New York to set the trend of a woman's modest dress that can look expensive, fashionable, and elegant. With Annie Couture NYC outfits, women around the world can show off their beauty and grace. The latest vintage collection of Annie Couture NYC was presented in New York at a Modest Fashion Week that brings together designers from all over the world.

In 2020, the fashion house Annie Couture NYC moved to its historical homeland Israel where the brand already had a lot of fans who are familiar with the style and quality of Annie Couture NYC. Some of the regular customers flew to New York several times a year and personally chose their outfits, other placed orders online and received door-to-door delivery of their favorite dresses. Today, the locations of the brand are Jerusalem, Herzliya, and Petzach. Annie Couture NYC unites fashionistas from other parts of the world by providing them with online access to the boutique and a digital show of the new collection, which was presented at New York Fashion Week in September 2020.

After owning a successful business and being a fashion designer, Anna Estrin has decided to teach her readers about fashion by continuing her journalistic career. She launched a new online magazine that is appealing to any woman. She is a breath of fresh air in the world of fashion and lifestyle blogging that creates meaningful content.

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