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  • Writer's pictureAnna Estrin

Best Fashion Blogger: Why You Should Follow Annie Estrin This Year 2021

This information will be useful if you are fond of fashion and lifestyle blogging. A few years ago it was believed that society is shaped by the media. Today its role has been taken over by instabloggers and lifestyle journalists. Your worldview and creative development depend on who you follow on social networks. Annie Estrin is one of the accounts to follow for some fashion and lifestyle tips that can help promote your personal Instagram blog.

Annie Estrin is a successful businesswoman, a happy wife, and a mother of three. On her Instagram feed, she shows a classic Jewish family, that strictly follows the centuries-old traditions and laws of Judaism. Every Friday she bakes fragrant challah, prepares various dishes, sets the table, and lights candles for Shabbat. In general, the theme of the style of the house, the decor of the dining table, the selection of furniture, accessories is Anna’s weakness. For every special dinner, she chooses a tablecloth, napkins, plates, and glasses. Every detail counts. She pays special attention to fresh flowers, there are always fresh flowers on her table that reflect her mood. Annie has created her greenhouse from scratch which blooms and pleases everyone’s eye all year round. In addition to rare plant species, in the summer she grows vegetables, herbs, and berries there.

Also, Annie Estrin shows and writes about fashion. Every day she posts about the newest fashion trends from accessories to outwear. She is obsessed with style. In the past, Annie has been a fashion designer and celebrity stylist. Anna also owned her boutique in New York and presented her collections that wowed everybody during New York Fashion Weeks for many years in a row. Recently she decided to move towards fashion journalism and blogging. All her projects are united by the theme of fashion, beauty, development, and support of women, family relations, and the creation of home comfort.

She often talks about the specifics of the style of a Jewish woman, about modern headwear, and the latest trends from the runways. As a person with a sense of style, and as an experienced designer, she can anticipate current trends and gladly shares tips on what and where to buy, as well as on how to create your style. She brilliantly turns items from the mass market category into luxury. Annie will give you tips on how to look comfortable in your skin and how to find your style. The fashion blogger often posts about how t to wear with confidence the most daring colors and how to combine them skillfully.

Annie Estrin travels often for work and shares the best locations for photoshoots and projects. She is defiantly a blogger to follow and get inspired by, you can learn something new and feed yourself with modest fashion and home Decor.

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