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  • Writer's pictureAnna Estrin

Why lifestyle journalism is one of the most challenging forms of writing?

Anna Estrin is a lifestyle Journalist that gave us answers to this question. Anna lives in NYC, she was born in Russia, where she studied and started working as a journalist. When she moved to New York, Anna opened a fashion boutique and later on went back to what she loved - fashion journalism.

- What is lifestyle journalism?

- Lifestyle journalism is designed to educate its readers in the field of culture, to shape their taste for life, to help them perceive life as an art, be it travel, design, fashion, food, creativity, leisure, communication, etc.

- What is style in your understanding?

- Style is the ability to harmoniously combine nature and culture, combining what you were born with and what you grew up on.

- What is the language of lifestyle journalism?

- It all depends on the audience. Simple, accessible language, interesting plot stop the reader's attention. The ability to write in a language understandable to a child as well as to elderly people is a craft, and in, my opinion is the base of lifestyle journalism.

- What is the difference between “fast” journalism and “slow” journalism?

- Recently we have got used to fast and short journalism. The time of consumption of information and the volume of texts are reduced. However, human culture and human memory resist such a rhythm. "Fast" texts are quickly forgotten, on the other hand, "slow" long texts are in our memory for a longer period. All high-quality journalism with its analytical articles, columns, essays can be called slow.

- How is “slow” text created?

- The editorial staff should slow down, not rush, but nurturing a theme, choosing heroes. The author must convey this slow energy with his conscious approach to the creation of high-quality material. We are accustomed to the fact that the reader absorbs the texts of the media on the go, on the run, over a cup of coffee, grasping the essence, but not focusing on details, on images. Meanwhile, so quickly without tasting the information, you can only swallow news. Perhaps that is why, by the way, many lifestyle publications refuse publishing news.

- How do your publications influence the formation of the lifestyle of your audience?

- The effect of the influence on the lifestyle of the audience is prolonged. It may not be noticeable immediately but sprout over time in the reader's choice of life, artistic preferences, clothing, and consumer habits.

- What professional qualities should a lifestyle journalist have?

- The lifestyle journalist must see a work of art in every person. It is very important to take life with interest, never cease to be surprised at it. A lifestyle journalist should be able to reveal talents in a person, also have a special ear to hear the crowd, and then tell a beautiful story. The ability to inspire is one of the qualities of “slow” lifestyle Journalism. A lifestyle journalist should be able to write such a text that its reader could read slowly with pleasure.

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